Can I be accredited with the Dietetics Association of Australia (DAA)?

As the DAA regulates dietitians within Australia, you would likely have to study Dietetics with an accredited University course to become accredited with them. Becoming a qualified dietitian in Australia typically means 3-4 years of full-time study and upwards of ~$50,000 in course fees!

MNU on the other hand qualifies students with a regulated Level 5 Diploma in Advanced Nutrition Science in just 13 months. As an MNU Certified Nutritionist, graduates can also gain insurance in Australia to work with a wide variety of clients on their health, body composition & performance-related goals.

For more information on potential career opportunities and services you can offer as an MNU Certified Nutritionist, you can read: Can this course help me have a career in nutrition? and What services can I offer after I graduate?

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