Do you provide adjustments for students with learning difficulties?

One of the many benefits of studying an online course is that although lectures are released weekly, you can watch them at your own pace with the ability to pause and rewind as much as you need. You can also watch the lectures as many times as you like!

Along with the lectures, the weekly tests (and optional homework tasks) can be completed at your own pace, and the MNU tutors are also available to provide support within the Student Support Group on a daily basis. We have found that this level of flexibility allows for a more facilitative and adaptive learning experience for those with learning difficulties, compared to the typical brick-and-mortar institution style of teaching.

The final exams are however timed, and you may therefore be eligible for extra time for your summative assessment. You will have the opportunity to provide details on any disabilities and/or learning difficulties when you enrol to assess your eligibility for extra time in the final exams. You will also be required to provide any medical or diagnostic assessment documentation to support this.

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In addition to extra time, we are aware of various pieces of software that may help with your studies, depending on what you need assistance with. These include coloured screen covers, revision tools and programmes that read your screen for you. All of these types of programmes are permitted when studying online and during your final MNU exams.

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