What is included in a graduate Mentoring Lab & LEARN membership?

This membership includes continued access to the MNU lectures, audio files, lecture handouts, quizzes, homework (including model answers) and further reading. So if you didn't get around to completing the homeworks during the course or if you would like to re-watch a lecture to help a specific client, you can!

We also update our MNU lectures to reflect the latest research and to provide our students with the most practical and conclusive information available. With this graduate membership, you will have access to these updates, to develop and improve your knowledge continually.

Like when you were an MNU student, you will also receive access to the Mentoring Lab member's area, which is full of extensive educational materials, including expert webinars, mentoring videos and downloadable resources designed to take your knowledge and business to the next level. We do the hard work for you and provide you with the most informative resources that will not only save you time and money, but help you to become the best practitioner you can be!

If you didn't have time to look over these during the course, now is the perfect time to get stuck into these additional resources!

You will continue to be part of one of the most supportive, welcoming, and friendly global communities on Facebook & continue to receive unconditional support & guidance.

If you would like to set up a Mentoring Lab membership, please see 'I would like to set up a graduate Mentoring Lab & LEARN membership'.

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