Beverley Forbes

By jozefsharp April 9, 2024

MNU is second to none when it comes to not only online education but nutrition education as a whole. From my experience of my degree & other high-level course content, MNU exceeds.

In my opinion, no other course comes close to fostering the ideal that ANYONE can be an effective Nutritionist/Nutrition Coach. I’ve done other courses, but only MNU has cemented my belief that age and inexperience is no barrier to following this passion.

At (nearly) 57 years of age with a newfound passion for strength training and nutrition, I developed a passion for wanting to help others. I no longer believe that one is “too old to start again”, I’m doing just that! I have the energy, & now the confidence, to put myself out there & advertise my services to those who need/want them.

I didn’t set out initially to become a practicing Nutritionist but it was obvious to me very early in the lectures that the knowledge attained from this course, the amount of effort required to complete the program & certify, as well as the dedication & effort shown by the tutors, doing nothing with it afterwards simply wouldn’t do all that effort justice.

Prior to MNU, I did Precision Nutrition which I used as a pre-requisite. The learning was helpful & relevant but certifying was too easy. I’ve come across Coaches from that program who seem lost & out of their depth. I would always point them to MNU if they are serious about being an effective Nutritionist.

No review would be complete without the acknowledgement of the strength of the MNU Community, the friendliness and support of the entire MNU team; both have made a great experience, TRULY great!

I am so happy to have found MNU & look forward to developing as a full-time Nutritionist and then continuing a long and successful association with the MNU Community.

Instagram: @BeverleyForbesNutrition