Chloe Brookes

By jozefsharp April 9, 2024

I first decided to study with MNU to benefit my personal life where fitness, health, & living well have always been of interest to me. However, upon starting MNU my perspective of nutrition was immediately broadened.

Studying evidence-based nutrition with MNU showed me a world of interesting topics. Not only was the course content captivating, but each topic provided boundless value, that we are now able to pass on to others.

As a business owner, MNU particularly impressed me with the way the course was structured.

The topics began by developing a foundation of basic knowledge. The course then gradually built on this until advanced concepts were explored. The way in which this structure was paced allowed students without previous nutritional knowledge, such as myself, to finish the course with as many capabilities & as much confidence as those with previous nutritional experience.

Not only this but the online student support left no concept unexplained or question unanswered along the way. This constant access to the knowledge of the experienced MNU Tutors will be missed. Fortunately MNU leaves us with a vast community of experts to continue our development & learning.

I look forward to exploring the range of opportunities that MNU provides their evidence-based practitioners in the years to come.