Elle Tiglao

By Olivia Jones July 20, 2021

MNU has changed my perspective on learning massively.

Doing a course is one thing, but to do a course with high standards, great ethics and a want to improve and help the industry is another.

The level of student support surpasses any other course I have done by far. It definitely feels more of a community rather than a student/teacher environment and having the ability to ask questions in the student threads on Facebook is excellent.

The residential days really helped to boost my confidence. I was also impressed with how the tutors knew everyone’s names. I came away confident that I would know how to apply the skills we learnt into a client environment.

I also enjoyed the live check-in weeks, it makes such a difference when you can actually see and communicate in real-time with people.

Mac-Nutrition Uni is getting around the globe. A head-hunter messaged me on LinkedIn from Dubai looking for a Nutritionist, it’s good to know there are opportunities out there!