Jen Cullen

By adozeneggs July 3, 2018

From the amazing content to the support and knowledge of the team at MNU I can’t speak highly enough of the course and MNU in general.

The residentials were amazing; being fully immersed in the course and meeting the MNU team and my fellow students really helped refocus me during the course.

I have also met some of the most amazing people this industry has to offer.

In terms of a client success story that I would like to share, I have a client with Binge Eating Disorder and through MNU I was able to recognise it, refer her for counselling and continue to support her while safe in the knowledge I wasn’t doing any harm.

Had it not been for MNU I would have thought the traditional methods of managing her diet for weight loss would apply. She is doing well and I feel lucky that she’s not with a nutritionist that doesn’t recognise these issues.