Nazharia Lomboan

By tobygraham October 8, 2021

MNU is definitely the best nutrition course I have done! I am honestly so glad to have invested the past 13 months being part of MNU and learning everything that has definitely excelled my knowledge and confidence in the fitness industry.

The education I got from MNU is next level compared to other courses. I truly thought it was worth every penny. It really gave me the confidence to help my clients and put myself out there in the Southeast Asian fitness market.

This course really gave me the tools, and knowledge I needed to further my career. The quality of education and student support is top-level!

A highlight for me was applying the things I learnt on the course to real-life clients & learning more about nutrition for these clients – diabetic, pregnant, elderly, and PCOS.

After doing the Practical Nutrition Support module, I was able to gain the confidence to set up my online business! I would not have been able to without completing that module and gaining that extra knowledge.

I have gained so much confidence over the past 13 months while doing MNU, that I have started working with clients. I have 3 clients who have lost 8-10kg working with me this year. It’s been amazing and I can’t thank MNU enough for educating me with the right tools and methods that I needed to apply it to practice.