Rachel Berridge

By tobygraham September 16, 2021

MNU is just right, challenging yet offered in a simple way where necessary. Manages to pitch it to all abilities and backgrounds as long as you’re prepared to work hard and remain curious.

By Module 6 all the pieces dropped together and now I am confident to run my business in my own way with a solid foundation underneath me. I don’t think I have ever finished a course feeling so determined and ready to go for it!

I have already signed up 5 clients through word of mouth and through a thread I commented on. They are finding me! I know it’s because I wear MNU with pride which gives people the confidence I know what I am talking about!

I cried when my final exam finished, it was a relief but I was also sad that it was over. I want to remain part of the family as my business and experience grow. This is just the beginning but I know it’s going to be amazing, thank you!