Ruth Buckley

By tobygraham December 14, 2021

I can wholeheartedly say that Mac-Nutrition Uni is the most meaningful course I have ever done. ALL of the content on this course is extremely useful and relevant, unlike any college course I have done.

MNU offers next-level student support, especially to career changers like me.

There was always someone on hand that I could ask a question to or get some clarification on a topic. The excel workbooks provided are amazing and I will definitely be using them too.

What I loved most about the course is the tools and top-quality resources and knowledge provided to help me change my career. Hands down this is the best course I have ever done.

Thank you, Martin and everyone at MNU. If Carlsberg did a Nutrition course… Best in the business!

My personal highlight was applying things I learnt to myself, especially the ergogenic aids. They were really cool and I feel improved my performance as a runner and a hurler. I am excited to use these with some of my clients.