Tania Monk

By tobygraham December 8, 2021

MNU is world-class! It was ALL so relevant to my business and clientele. My clients are all women so the PCOS and fat loss lectures were really applicable.

The Student group was great to check in with when I was unsure or didn’t completely understand the content.

I loved how the MNU team were always quick to respond with their advice and the Mentoring Lab was a game-changer for content and further learning.

The Lab is definitely an aspect of MNU that I will continue to be involved with!

My highlight is the confidence I feel now! That is why I did the course. Honestly, I loved it all and thought it was worth every dollar spent!

I started a community of amazing women, training them all from my backyard during the first COVID lockdown over a year ago. 12 women quickly turned in 150 and I just secured my first property to house all these incredible women.

Over a year in, the retention rate sits at 98% and I now have a waiting list to get onto the program. All that I learnt on MNU I teach to them! I can’t thank MNU enough!